My Exit Plan: Getting My House In Order (Hardcover) (2nd Edition)


The author, Rhonda Green is a person whose calling in life, from a very young age, has been to compassionately walk with people and their loved ones as they transition out of this life. Her emphasis in this book is to encourage and guide everyone to prepare for their eventual transition by completing what she calls an “Exit Plan” in order to save them much practical and emotional heartache.

This will be an extremely helpful book for all who are interested in “getting their house in order.” It also might well cultivate such an interest in those who haven’t yet thought about how to prepare for their own death.

Green has done a superb job of creating a handbook for the process of dying through her life-giving stories and guidance. She somehow manages to companion the reader into the nitty gritty of the “business” of death and dying while keeping a  wonderful energy flowing throughout. Her focus on death is for the purpose of helping people live well and be fully present both in death and life.

This book is well written with strong logical flow and transitions in general. It’s obvious that the writer knows what she’s talking about from a lifetime of experience; her roots go deep. The author is to be highly commended for sharing her lifetime of wisdom through this effective book.

My Exit Plan: Getting My House In Order (Hardcover) (2nd Edition)

ISBN: 978-1733228213 SKU my-exit-plan-hardcover-2nd-edition Category
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